Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Roll 'n Rock Pietersen - Bikes & Cars Event

'Roll 'n Rock' Bikes & Cars Event at Pietersen, 
April 21st 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

A bright sunny day, clear blue sky, 2.500 visitors, live music, and lot's of fun; the best ingredients for a great Event! The Annual 'Roll & Rock' organized by Pietersen US Cars & Bikes in Rotterdam was even better than last year. A free event, with music, drinks and food, a Harley-Davidson Ride-Out and a Queen Cruise for ladies who drive American cars and much more made for a perfect day out. In the background the 'Euromast' ('Euro Tower') watched us having fun! A very nice one-day event, thanks to Pietersen, whom did a great job with a perfect organization!
Please enjoy the photo's we took during the second 'Roll & Rock' organized by Pietersen US Cars & Bikes in Rotterdam!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Greaserfest Gasketblowers, Belgium 2013

Greaserfest Gasketblowers, Belgium 2013

The Annual Greaserfest, hosted by the Gasketblowers in St. Kat-Waver, Belgium, had everything to make it a succesful event, a nice American Diner 'Rick's' was the centre of the Greaserfest by the Gasketblowers, were food and drinks were served, on the site was a big tent with stage where some cool bands played, a vintage market, loads of the coolest cars and bikes to be found in Belgium stood lined-up along the road, and the weather gods helped the Gasketblowers to stage their Greaserparty with an exceptional beautiful sunny day!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Custom Chrome Dealer and Bike Show Mainz, Germany 2013

Custom Chrome Dealer and Bike Show Mainz, Germany 2013

15 great years of Custombike passion!
(Photography by G-Rat & Onno "Berserk" Wieringa
for Madness Photography.eu)

Custom Chrome Europe Dealer Show 2013 lived up to the theme “News, Trends, Innovations”! 2013 Custom Chrome International Bike Show Series European Championship introduces first-ever “Life Vote” for selecting the winners.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Bigtwin Biker Fest Ahoy Rotterdam 2013

Bigtwin Biker Fest Ahoy Rotterdam 2013
(Photo's in random order; enjoy!)

Tekst & fotografie Onno “Berserk” Wieringa

Bigtwin Biker Fest, Ahoy
De Kick-Off van het nieuwe motorseizoen!

Met een goed gevuld programma, waarin zes goede bands, een stuntshow en vele leuke attracties de hoofdrol speelden, zou je denken dat de twee hallen waarin het eerste Bigtwin Bikers Fest in Ahoy plaatsvond, binnen een mum vol zouden lopen. Helaas waren de weersomstandigheden erg slecht, bleken achteraf veel mensen niet te weten dat het evenement plaatvond en werd het pas op de zondagmiddag gezellig druk. Erg sneu voor de bands die op zaterdag speelden, vooral Virgil and the Accelerators uit Engeland speelde een waanzinnig mooie set met gitaarsolo’s waar je het kippenvel van op je armen kreeg, zo mooi. Later op de dag was het Eric Steckel, de slechts 22-jarig jonge Amerikaan die het weinige publiek in vervoering bracht met zijn gitaarspel.