Sunday, 20 December 2015

Central Classics - Expo Houten 2015

Central Classics
Expo Houten 2015

Op de vraag of er behoefde was aan een goede oldtimerbeurs in het hartje van het land, werd duidelijk en met een volmondig JA! antwoord gegeven door de enthousiaste opkomst van de vele standhouders en de in grote getale naar Houten getogen bezoekers!

Het was zaterdagochtend vroeg al dringen geblazen om de hallen binnen te mogen. Twee hallen vol stond de bezoeker te wachten, een hal met motorfietsen, onderdelen en alles wat erbij hoort zoals documentatie, snuisterijen en memorabilia, in de andere hal hetzelfde laken een pak, maar wat bromfietsen betreft. Het is geen wonder dat iedereen veel vertrouwen in deze beurs had, de organisatie had er alles aan gedaan om het tot een succes te brengen en ook tijdens de beurs bleek het goed en professioneel te zijn opgezet. Alles verliep vlekkeloos, alleen de catering van de Expo Houten had waarschijnlijk niet op de enorme toeloop gerekend, want overal stonden lange rijen voor een bakje koffie en een broodje.

De meeste bekende bedrijven die zich met oldtimers bezig houden waren aanwezig, gelukkig ook veel kleine stands waar je voor weinig leuke oude spullen kon scoren. Werkelijk alles was aanwezig en de indeling en opzet waren goed gekozen. 

De Central Classics Oldtimerbeurs was een groot succes en het vervolg op 2 en 3 april 2016 zal ongetwijfeld weer veel mensen trekken. Ruim 7000 vierkante meter is al door internationale standhouders volgeboekt! 

Bekijk hieronder vast ruim 150 foto's van de eerste Central Classics Oldtimerbeurs. Op de website komen deze week alle 215 foto's van de Central Classic

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

CUSTOMBIKE2015, Bad Salzuflen Day 3, Final Results

Third Day at CUSTOMBIKE 2015
Final Results

11th Edition CUSTOMBIKE, December 4th-6th, Custom-mania at Bad Salzuflen/Germany

Text and photo's by Horst Roesler. Thanks!

Best of Show: Harley-Davidson Shovel, E. Cincik & Johnnys Garage, Germany

Best of Show, CUSTOMBIKE2015, Bad Salzuflen 2015

Well deserved 1st Place in the "Bobber" category for "Iron Works" in Berlin! The Steam-Punk style Suzuki "Intruder" features handcrafted frame and many details that makes this

All winners and more of the CUSTOMBIKE2015 Bike Show right after the Jump-Break. 

Monday, 7 December 2015

CUSTOMBIKE2015 Bad Salzuflen 2015 Custom Bike Show - More Pictures Part 2

CUSTOMBIKE2015 Photo's / Foto's / Pictures / Bilder

And here's some more pictures we shot during the German Custom Bike Show in Bad Salzuflen, CUSTOMBIKE2015. Enjoy and later this week: ALL the photography our Madness Photography Team took at CUSTOMBIKE 2015 on - Photo Galleries 2015

After the jump-break 150 more photo's of the CUSTOMBIKE2015 
Custom Bike Show in Bad Slazuflen - Germany

CUSTOMBIKE2015 Bad Salzuflen Custom Bike Show Pictures Day 2

Second Day at the CUSTOMBIKE 2015

11th Edition CUSTOMBIKE, December 4th-6th, Custom-mania at Bad Salzuflen/Germany

With a massive onrush of visitors, crowding all three halls of the 2015 CUSTOMBIKE at Bad Salzuflen, the fair exceeded expectations and again. The still great interest in Custombikes saw visitors and exhibitors from Spain, Norway, the US, Dubai, and all German-language countries around Germany anyway! The Biker Build-off between the teams of Juri Shif and Müller Motorcycles somewhat heated up considerably, as both team are struggling to finish the bigger than expected wireing of the extraordinary custombikes! 

Text and photo's by Horst Roesler, Motographer / Onno "Berserk" Wieringa 

It did not really help that both teams – all of which come from countries where high-octane are the norm rather than the exception – exchanged liquor (from Bavaria) and some indisclosed Belorussian liquid which came out of bottles neither marked nor mentioning the percentage of Alcohol included. 

By estimates of the participants, it will be THAT very liquid that tomorrow, Sunday, December 6th, will FIRE the Belorussian ride! A hot showdown is granted anyway, since BOTH teams declared electric starter as unneccessary accessory for their rides and will KICKSTART the

CUSTOMBIKE2015 Bad Salzuflen Custom Bike Show Pictures Part 1

CUSTOMBIKE 2015 Bad Salzuflen

See for the full report our NEWS! Ride-and-Read! section on our website 

More (150) Photo's of the Bad Salzuflen Custom Bike Show 'CUSTOMBIKE'2015 after the Jump-Break!

Junior Biker Build-Off 2015, Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo

Twee Teams –Twee Motoren

De Junior Biker Build-Off 2015 
tijdens de Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo

Iedereen die op de Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo rond heeft gelopen, zag de geconcentreerde gezichten van de jong monteurs in opleiding, zwoegend onder de felle lampen om in slechts drie dagen tijd een mooie custombike te bouwen.

De eerste- en tweedejaars leerlingen van het Drenthe College TT-Instituut uit Assen hadden het zwaar. Om goed te leren sleutelen en een goede voorbereiding te plannen, komt heel wat kijken. Met alleen een motor, wat gereedschap en een berg onderdelen ben je er nog lang niet. Nee, zo bleek weer eens, in de harde praktijk is het slechts het begin van een project! 

Twee teams waren samengesteld. Op school was een presentatie gegeven van de Biker Build-Off en daar hadden veel leerlingen zich enthousiast voor aangemeld. “We hebben een selectie gemaakt, waarbij we de leerlingen in beide teams zo gelijkwaardig mogelijk hebben uitgekozen,” aldus Peter Barselaar, de technische man die we kennen van de bekende Sleutelcursussen, is behalve dat hij leraar op het Drenthe College is, ook degene Motorcycle Academy runt. “Met behulp van vele sponsoren waar ik weer heel erg dankbaar voor ben, hebben we voor deze Bigtwin Junior Biker Build-Off twee motoren, gereedschap en onderdelen beschikbaar kunnen stellen.” Om deze spannende sleutelwedstrijd mogelijk te maken, hebben Bigtwin, Motorcycle Storehouse, TORQ, Motorcycle Academy, Simon Poelma, het Drenthe College en Strak Coating de handen ineengeslagen om de Junior Biker Build-Off zo succesvol te kunnen laten verlopen. 

Het eerste team is het metrische team, ‘Team TORQ’, zij nemen een Kawasaki Z-650 bouwjaar 1977 onderhanden. Het witte team bestaat uit Jeffrey, Benno, Alle en Jesse. 

De tegenstanders zijn Chavon, Patrick, Jeroen en Jelle van het gele MCS Team, die een Sportster XL 883 uit 1987 gaan ombouwen. Al net na de zomer zijn de voorbereidingen begonnen. Samen met Luc, ontwerper bij Motorcycle Storehouse, zijn de motoren op tekening gezet volgens het design wat de Junior Bike Builders voor ogen hadden. De teams moesten volgens opdracht werken, voor het Kawasaki luidt: “maak er een café racer van”, en het H-D

Lees meer en bekijk alle foto's van de Junior Biker Build-Off 2015 na de jump-break!

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015, The Netherlands - More Pictures!

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015:
More pictures!

More photo's (150) of the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015, Rosmalen The Netherlands after the jump-break!

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015 - Bike Show Runners-Up

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015
Bike Show Runners-Up :

The ‘Runners-Up’ in the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015, Autotron Rosmalen, The Netherlands
Out of the 80+ bikes in the Bikeshow another five bikes were picked, they are the ‘Runners-Up’ and received their well deserved trophies.

Text and photography by Onno "Berserk"Wieringa  - 

In random order:

The Yamaha racer replica, built by Maarten Poodt. Maarten is known for building bikes that look like they are ‘Factory-Made’, but most of the parts are handmade. Such is the case with this bike, a special 3-cylinder fourstroke Yamaha. From the frame up, everything was handcrafted by Maarten and the paintjob and stickers remind us of of Yamaha’s racing years in the 80’ties.

The Anzani – Indian 1880cc 1925 Pace Bike, Tony “Indian” Leenes brought to the Bigtwin Show. Indian wheels and gas tank, the rest, such as the frame, front forks and exhaust are all handmade. Bikes like these were used to ‘set the pace’ for bicycle racers on the oval tracks. The Anzani engine comes from Italy, where Anzani used to produce aircraft engines. A piece of history (the bike, that is… let’s not talk about Tony…) and with such an incredible engine and so many special parts, the judges of the Bigtwin Bikeshow decided it to be a Runner-Up!

All the way from Poland, this completely ‘Over the Top’ custom bike by Boguslaw, Motorcycles Performance MalyHD. Maybe not everybody’s style, but with almost all the bits and parts made by hand in their workshop in Poland, it’s defenitly an eye-catcher. A radical opposite to all the brat style and rat style bikes!

RNO’s Shovelhead, a bizarre mix and match of old school and racing parts. RNO made most of the parts himself and this H-D Shovelhead has style elements from every imaginable style, from the small chopper tank to the bare aluminum oil tank that looks at home on a race bike.

Jan Vanelslande created a bike that grabs your attention, it’s a bike you keep staring at. Homemade chromemoly frame and  gas tank with flowing, smooth Lines with an unusual Honda Firestorm engine are the base of his custom bike. The Aprillia RSV Mille front forks fit well, the old style leather seat too.

ALL the photo’s of these bikes, and the rest of the photo’s of all the bikeshow competitors and Winners, the Expo halls and much more that was to be seen at the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015 Rosmalen are online at – Photo Galleries 2015! 



Out of the 80+ bikes in the Bigtwin Bikeshow 2015 , Autotron Rosmalen The Netherlands, companies could pick their favourite bikes and reward them with special Awards and Prizes.

Text and photography by Onno "Berserk"Wieringa  and G-Rat 

Marga Giezen won the Webspringer front end, made by and donated by Kruyswater Motorcycles. The fork, with a retail price of 1275,- euro’s was given to Marga on stage. Her bike, a Yamaha XS 650 in bobber style, still has the OEM front end and it will look a lot better with the Kruyswater forks! The Yamaha is built by her husband Ger Voetman, who loves to work on the XS-models as a hobby and nicknamed themselves GM Choppers.

Marga on her Yamaha XS650

Shot Cut Choppers, Ede, awarded the #221, a traditional old school seventies  Ironhead

Best Five Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015

Best Five at the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015, 
Rosmalen, The Netherlands

Out of the 80+ bikes in the Bikeshow during the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo, the Best Five were picked. No classes, no 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, but the Best Five got a trophy and and a cash prize of 750,- Euro's from Bigtwin Magazine in The Netherlands. And it was kind of a reunion for the Prize Winners; four out of five were together on stage winning a prize in 2012 too!

Text and photography by Onno "Berserk"Wieringa  - 

In random order:

Larry Houghton and his 'Circus of Speed' Boardtracker

Larry Houghton with his ‘Circus of Speed’ boardtracker styleTriumph. “This bike with standard Triumph Bonneville 2010 engine, was built to replicate a 1920 boardtrack racer, but with a modern twist.” One off rigid frame, one off Springer front, 1970’s 21” front wheeel, 19” rear wheel and the eye-catching alloy tank, made on an English Wheel by Tony at Lamb Engineering, are some of the specs. Congratulations to Larry Houghton from England!

Ben and the Thunderbike Panhead Chopper

Thunderbike, Andreas Bergerforth from Germany. Not starting, Ben came running onto the stage with this beautiful, smooth and well built Panhead Chopper. “We left the keys in Germany,”laughs Ben, employee at Thunderbike. A 1950’s Panhead with Linkert carb, Thunderbike exhaust and H-D 4-speed transmission. H-D front fork and 19”wheels, a 
Thundebike made gas and oil tank. “So smooth and beautiful, it’s like a top model, you want to touch it to feel it and see if it’s real…”

Piet Smits and 'Breakable'

From The Netherlands, Piet Smits with his ‘Breakable’ Boardtracker. A stunning bike with a 1930 J.A.P. 500cc engine, self made stainless steel frame, front forks and exhaust system. 26 inch wheels and a hand blown glass gas tank! The fuel actually is hidden in the top frame tube. The hubs and the oil tank are made of perspex (‘plastic glass’). “No gearbox, the bike has a direct drive, so when I start it, off she goes!” explains Piet.

Michael Naumann and son with the 'SimpleIron'

German Michael Naumann showed his newest creation, the 'SimpleIron', a completely self made bike, the frame, gas tank, fender, front forks, all home made. The Sportster Ironhead was seperated from the primary drive and transmission and the cases got cut off. A Bigtwin four speed tranny does the job now. Old style Magneto ignition and an S&S Two Throat carb make this bike work, that is, when you put fuel in the tank, and that’s just what Michael forgot…  Pushing on to the stage, he received his € 750,- cash prize to be sure he can bring a jerrycan next time!

Roderick Braunius and his 1200cc U-Model 1947 Flathead Bobber

Dutchman Roderick Braunius was the only one that was ‘new’ on the Bigtwin Bikeshow stage, since Larry Houghton, Michael Naumann, Destiny Cycles and Piet Smits all won prizes before in 2012, all at the Bigtwin Bikeshow! His 1947 U-Model flathead H-D Bobber with Tillotson carb and rusty looks is the real interpretation of an authentic bobber. A moped gas tank and cool style elements such as the home made front fork look the bollocks!

NOW ONLINE: All the photo’s of these bikes, and the rest of the photo’s of all the bikeshow competitors, the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo and much more that was to be seen at the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015 Rosmalen on! 

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015 Part 1

Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015

The Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo is with traders, visitors and bikeshow participants coming from countries as Germany, Poland, England, France and Belgium for sure an International show. It’s a good reflection on what’s going on in the European custom bike scene. What the Bigtwin Show is most known for? The friendly, relaxt feeling that visitors experience, especially the foreigners, whom all have a great weekend. Such as this 24th Edition that filled the 3 halls and had the 80+ entries in the Bike Show as sparkling point of attention.

Text by Onno “Berserk” Wieringa – Photography by Onno and the G-Rat

Three halls full of everything custom, to start off in the Spyker hall, where the action was. Top Fuel bike of  European Champion dragracing team Haas Brothers caught a lot of attention , as did the other dragbikes in the dragrace show. The Globe of Death with amazing stunts and facinating trial riding demo’s kept the action going all weekend.

The Expo hall had every square inch occupied with custom bikes, parts and accessories. Special bikes, customized or built from the ground up, it was all there. The Bike show, devided in several area’s drew a lot of attention. Aftermarket companies like Motorcycle Storehouse, Parts Europe / Drag Specialties, Zodiac and Custom Chrome Europe showed their newest items, Harley-Davidson dealers O.I.T. and Central were present, as were Yamaha with the Yard Built display and BMW with their High Octane Soul Fuel Challenge winner, built by Jeffry Sol. Small companies like Short Cut Choppers and Wing Palace are known for their nicely decorated stands and old school built bikes. First Floor is traditionaly the place to visit for bargains, the Biker Market saw many new traders and good, reasonable priced parts and clothing. 

In the centre of the Eventron hall most of the the custom bike show was lined up. Long rowes of sparkling shiny bikes, of every style and make. Many artists had a booth next to the show, painters, airbrush demo’s, Tijger Leathers with seat upholstery, all were busy working and explaining how they do it to the visitors.  For the grown-ups there was permanent art, as in tattoo’s, for the kids there was children’s make-up and a special Kids Studio, where the little bikers could have their photograph taken on a little chopper. Next to the Kids Studio was another studio where you could pose with a cool, old school chopper from the seventies.

On stage the whole weekend live music, striptease and acrobatic acts performed, the gogo dancers had the temperatures rising… Good fun for everybody, except for the student-mechanics whom highly concentrated worked on their projects, a Kawasaki Z650 and a Harley-Davidson Sportster they were building into a Cafe Racer and a Scrambler.   

After the prize giving ceremony everybody the Bigtwin Bikeshow and Expo came to an end. It was a great weekend, all custom bike lovers went home satisfied and we are all looking forward to the 25th Anniversary of the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo next year!

More photo's of the Bigtwin Bikeshow & Expo 2015, Rosmalen The Netherlands after the jump-break!