Sunday 16 September 2012

International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012

 International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012
It was a great Rally, like every year. To keep the visitors on saturday afternoon entertained at the Rally site, the organizers of the International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012 had some nice surprises for the many bikers that came to the Rally. Live music, a bike wash and a cool Rock 'n Roll band playing out of their car kept the party going and it was great fun.








Kevin and Ton got their bikes and themselves washed, and even cleaned some other bikes.
Honestly, they should get paid for their act...!




Rooie Arie had a great act and sang like a nightingale...

Teus proudly on his rebuild Shovelhead






The campsite stretched out all around Lake Maarsseveen during the International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012 

Watch it! Here comes the Biker Bitches!



























Thanks for visiting my weblog and I hope you like the photo's of the International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012
More photo's will be on my Facebook Page tomorrow.
If you Like the photo's of the International Rally H-DC 't Centrum Maarsseveen, Holland 2012, please Like my Facebook Page!




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