Monday 19 November 2012

Oldtimer and Rockin' Jalopy Motorama Hotrodshow Rosmalen, Netherlands

Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rosmalen, The Netherlands 2012 Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012

Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rosmalen, Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012
The Netherlands
November 17th & 18th, 2012

It was four years ago the first time that the Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 Hotrodshow was integrated with the Oldtimer Fair, at the Autotron Fairgrounds in Rosmalen, The Netherlands. Merging both shows proved to be a succes and this year too the set-up was the same as last four years; the large Eventron Hall was for the Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012, the Hot Rod, Rock ’n Roll Lifestyle aaficianados, the Main Hall was for the (mostly boring…) stock Oldtimer cars lovers the place to be, the Spyker Hall was were the tradestands were with tools, T-shirts, and parts & documention.




So the properly, as usual in tweed dressed people, went to the right at the entrance of Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rosmalen, the ‘Rodders took a left to the Eventron Hall were the Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 Hot Rod Show was. Custom Cars and Hot Rods lined up and old style choppers mixed well in the scene. A cool Rock ‘Roll band played, creating the perfect ambiance. Pinstripers could be seen at the Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 drawing the fine line, T-shirt vendors, lifestyle, parts and accessories and basicly everything was there for the bike and car enthousiast who’s vocabulary does not include the word ‘stock’. At the Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 in Rosmalen people found each other at the bar, had a drink and made small talk, exchanged the latest gossip and talked bikes, Rods and custom cars.



Beautiful custom cars and bikes, Hot Rods, weird creations, it was all there at the Oldtimer & Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 Hot Rod Show in Rosmalen. But the Main Hall of the Autotron Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show in Rosmalen was worth a visit too, here you could find the classic cars and parts. Many vendors had parts and stuff, needed for car restaurations, for sale, there were tool demonstrations and new materials to be seen and here and there a nice car was to be found in a large field of mostly stock cars. In the third hall at the Oldtimer & Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 Hot Rod Show Rosmalen, called the Spyker Hall, tools, T-shirts and parts were sold, from brand new to, well, let’s be honest, complete garbage.

The  Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rockin' Jalopy Motorama 2012 Rosmalen was a great show. Not only the Dutch, but also visitors from Belgium, France and the U.K. come back every year to enjoy the Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rockin' Jalopy Motorama in Rosmalen!           
Please enjoy the rest of the photo's below!













Who the F*ck is Lieke?!




Thanks to all the 'Rodders, see ya next year at the Oldtimer & Hot Rod Show Rockin' Jalopy Motorama in Rosmalen!

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