Sunday 15 May 2016

Indian Super Rally Lemmer 2016

Indian Super Rally Lemmer 2016

More people than ever came to the famous Indian Rally in Fryslân, The Netherlands. From as far awy as Germany, France and the Czech Republic, the Indians came to Lemmer, even a group of 40 came from the UK, making it a true International Rally.

Silly Games, a bathtub full of foam for the kids and the Ride Out on Saturday were some of the highlights. Located in the northern parts of Holland, this beautiful area makes it perfect for sight-seeing and riding along the Frysian lakes. The North Coast Custom Car Club joined the event and came with quite a few big American cars and trucks, to make the meeting even bigger and noisier! With Tony leading the ride, the Group left from the museum in Lemmer, riding all around ‘Het Tjeukemeer’ a beautiful big lake. The ride went along, visiting typical Frysian villages like Follega, Sint Nicolaasga, Joure and Vierhuis. After a couple of hours the tour finished at the Indian Museum, where the barbecue got started.

A visit to the Indian Museum is something you won’t forget! It’s included in the Rally package and Tony’s Indian Motocyles and memorabilia collection is one of the biggest in the world. The campground was full with tents and motorcycles and in the evening, after the BBQ, the band
started to play and the beer tab had not a single break…

If you’ve never been to the Indian Rally or Tony “Indian” Leenes his famous Indian Motorcyle Museum, it’s about time you hop on your bike and pay him a visit. But as Tony is on the road a lot, please make a phone call before you go! 

Text: Onno “Berserk” Wieringa / Photo’s: Da G-Rat

See all the photo's of the Indian Super Rally on - Photo Galleries 2016

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