Sunday 5 June 2016

AMCA European Meet in Raalte 2016

AMCA European Meet 2016 in Raalte

At the American Motorcycle Museum owned by Max Middelbosch, hunderds of Motorcycles attended the second European AMCA Meet in Raalte. It’s the perfect place and even the weather was great!

The AMCA programm runs from Friday morning ‘till Sunday morning, with live music on both evenings, a huge swapmeet during both days and with almost double the number of vendors, there was lot’s of old stuff for sale! 

It’s an International meet, vendors and riders from all over Europe came to Raalte, with two guys on Knuckleheads from Ireland getteing the trophy for travelling longest distance, 1048 miles!

The Salland Hotel was completely booked and during the day the AMCA judges were busy judging the bikes and giving them points, 100% showroom original is rewarded with the highest score, 100 points. Not many bikes do receive this number, but those who do, get an official document and these bikes are worth a fortune! Many members of the Aniique Motorcycle Club of America showed their bikes and AMCA Europe’s President Steve Slowcombe had a tough job doing all the judging with team of experts.

Many took the opportunity to take a ride and do some sightseeing in the area, which is a beautiful part of The Netherlands. Just take a look at all the photo’s and bes ure not mis next year’s AMCA meeting in Raalte, may 19th-21st 2017!

Please check out all the 180 photo’s of the 
European AMCA Meeting Raalte 2016 at – Photo Galleries 2016

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