
Riding my FXDWG

Monday 23 April 2012

Opening H-D Point Drachten 21 april 2012

Opening van H-D Point in Drachten op 21/04/2012

De officiĆ«le Opening van H-D Point in Drachten werd ondanks het slechte weer wat ’s morgens over het Friese landschap raasde, erg druk bezocht. Honderden Harley-Davidson liefhebbers kwamen in Drachten de spectaculaire opening van het nieuwe pand bijwonen.

Monday 16 April 2012

50 jaar H-DCN april 2012, Garderen

Door Onno “Berserk” Wieringa

50 jaar H-DCN

Ruim zeshonderd gasten werden op het 50 jarig jubileum van de Harley-Davidson Club Nederland verwacht. Op de vrijdagavond waren al zo’n 300 aanwezigen naar het feest van ‘50 jaar H-DCN’ in ‘t Golden Tulip hotel in Garderen gekomen. De eigenaar die zelf ook Harley rijdt, begreep precies wat de H-DCN wilde en speelde daar perfect op in. De locatie was dan ook alleen voor Harley-rijders gereserveerd. Men kon in het hotel, de bungalows of in een tent overnachten, op de grasvelden mocht zonder problemen gekampeerd worden tijdens het feest van ‘50 jaar H-DCN’.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Tattoo Convention Zeist 2012

                    Tattoo Convention Zeist 2012, April 14th and 15th

Organized by Tattoo Shop ‘Tattoo Art Gert’, based in Zeist in the centre of Holland, the Tattoo Convention Zeist 2012 was well attended by both tattoo artists and visitors from all over the Netherlands. In the weekend of April the 14th and 15th a lot of ‘colorful’ people came to the Tattoo Convention Zeist, to get tattooed, get ideas or just came to see what’s going on in the scene. The two major Dutch Tattoo magazines, Tattoo Planet and Tattoo Patrol, both were present and suppliers for tattoo artists showed the newest stuff and technologies.

Some sixty tattoo artist and about ten vendors made a nice display in the large hall of  sports centre ‘Dijnselburg’. Many styles were to be seen at the Tattoo Convention Zeist, while the buzzing sound of tattoo needles made it clear that many new tattoos were being inked forever in fresh skin.

In true Rock ‘n Roll style the band was playing, while little kids were dancing in front of the stage. The Tattoo Convention Zeist was a good convention, well organized and everybody enjoyed the relaxed and friendly ambiance.

       Thanks for the hospitality to Gert and his Crew.
                       Website: tattooartgert.nl

Enjoy the photo's!


Who the F*ck is Cor?

My favorite model Daphne - beautiful smile!
Third prize winner 'Black & Grey'
Tattoo by Birgit.
Website: Artoeage.nl


True Rocker!

       Thanks to everybody and keep the world 'colorful' !