
Riding my FXDWG

Monday 16 December 2013

Twee Harley-Davidson zijspancombinaties vervullen Kerstwens!

Twee Harley-Davidson zijspancombinaties vervullen Kerstwens tijdens MAX Maakt Mogelijk Kerstdiner !

‘Voor het MAX Maakt Mogelijk kerstdiner zijn wij opzoek naar een Harley-Davidson met zijspan’ kwam de vraag bij ons binnen. Iets waar we uiteraard graag aan mee wilden werken.

(tekst en fotografie Madness Photography '13-Crew')

Zelf ben ik, sinds mijn dochtertje vijf jaar geleden geboren is, fervent zijspanrijder geworden, omdat het de enige manier is om je kind de geneugten van het motorrijden te laten ondervinden. Mijn dochter is helemaal idolaat van de zijspancombinatie; een Jupiterbak die aan een H-D Sportster 1200 hangt. Ad Donkers, van LBS-Zijspantechniek, bouwde de combinatie tot een veilig en goed sturend geheel voor ons op, dus was hij de aangewezen persoon om de tweede combinatie te rijden.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Harley-Davidson Snow Mobile On display at the National Motorcycle Museum

Featured Machine: Harley-Davidson Snow Mobile 
On display at the National Motorcycle Museum

We thank David Borre for loaning his 1972 Harley-Davidson Snowmobile and rare matching snow "trailer" for display at the National Motorcycle Museum.

Featured Machine: Harley-Davidson Snow Mobile
At 110+ years of age Harley-Davidson must be counted among America’s most successful and long lasting corporations. But looking back into the 1960′s and 1970′s there were partnerships, buy-outs and product experimentation that, in hind sight, were not always well thought out.

Looking for new ways to make use of technology, manufacturing capability and existing distribution channels, several powersports corporations ventured into the world of snow machines. AMF, American Machine Foundry, at that time soon to be the owner of Harley-Davidson and many other brands, was among them. An internal written study for AMF dated in 1964 offered “Proposed Specifications for the AMF Snow Sled.”  It presented the huge growth potential of the snowmobile market and specs for AMF’s proposed concept vehicle.  The study said the sled should feature a front-mounted two cycle engine, rugged drive belt, top speed of 25 mph, smooth and flowing styling, be lightweight, comfortable and focus on dependability. In 1965 AMF Western Tool made the decision to proceed with the new AMF snowmobile and production came fast!

Monday 9 December 2013

Over 440 Photo's of the Essen Motor Show On-Line NOW

Over 440 Photo's of the Essen Motor Show On-Line NOW
Around 360,000 Horsepower Fans came to the Essen Motor Show 2013.

Click HERE to check out over 440 photo's of the Essen Motor Show 2013 

'Six Percent More Visitors Than Last Year Streamed into the Messe Essen where Tuning and Motorsport Were the big Crowd-Pullers'

 Around 360,000 horsepower fans visited the ESSEN MOTOR SHOW 2013 from November 30 to December 8. That was the best result for five years and resulted in a growth rate of six percent in comparison with 2012.